Ivo D. Dinov

Professor, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics Human Behavior and Biological Sciences Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)

Dr. Ivo Dinov directs the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR), co-directs the multi-institutional Probability Distributome Project, and is an associate director for education of the Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS).

Dr. Dinov is an expert in mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, computational processing and visualization of Big Data. He is involved in longitudinal morphometric studies of human development (e.g., Autism, Schizophrenia), maturation (e.g., depression, pain) and aging (e.g., Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases). Dr. Dinov is developing, validating and disseminating novel technology-enhanced pedagogical approaches for scientific education and active learning.

9.9.2020 MIDAS Faculty Research Pitch Video.

Analyzing Big observational data including thousands of Parkinson's disease patients based on tens-of-thousands signature biomarkers derived from multi-source imaging, genetics, clinical, physiologic, phenomics and demographic data elements is challenging. We are developing Big Data representation strategies, implementing efficient algorithms and introducing software tools for managing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing large, complex, incongruent and heterogeneous data. Such service-oriented platforms and methodological advances enable Big Data Discovery Science and present existing opportunities for learners, educators, researchers, practitioners and policy makers.
Analyzing Big observational data including thousands of Parkinson’s disease patients based on tens-of-thousands signature biomarkers derived from multi-source imaging, genetics, clinical, physiologic, phenomics and demographic data elements is challenging. We are developing Big Data representation strategies, implementing efficient algorithms and introducing software tools for managing, analyzing, modeling and visualizing large, complex, incongruent and heterogeneous data. Such service-oriented platforms and methodological advances enable Big Data Discovery Science and present existing opportunities for learners, educators, researchers, practitioners and policy makers.