
Andrew Grogan-Kaylor

Associate Professor, School of Social Work Co-PI Child Violence and Trauma Laboratory

Parenting behavior on child outcomes

My core intellectual interest is the way in which parenting behaviors, like the use of physical punishment, or parental expressions of emotional warmth, have an effect on child outcomes like aggression, antisocial behavior, anxiety and depression, and how these dynamics play out across contexts, neighborhoods, and cultures.  A lot of my work is done with international samples. In my work I use statistical models, like multilevel models and some econometric models, and software like Stata, R, HLM and ArcGIS, to examine things like growth and change over time, or community, school or parent effects on children and families.  I have emerging interests in text-mining and natural language processing.

Visualization of multilevel modeling using High School and Beyond data set.
Visualization of multilevel modeling using High School and Beyond data set.