2022 Theme: ” Responsible data science and AI”
Data science and AI are having a significant impact on society in uncountable ways, leading to huge benefits in many cases. Yet, increasingly complex analytical pipelines working with poorly understood heterogeneous data sets can give rise to harms in many ways. Furthermore, there could be deleterious systemic effects such as the magnification of disinformation or surveillance capitalism. There has been tremendous recent interest in understanding and managing these concerns. Future Leaders Summit 2022 focuses on this broad area, including:
- Equity and fairness, particularly in automated decision making
- Explainability of analytical results
- Reproducibility and replication of scientific results
- Systemic issues, particularly those impacting marginalized populations
Time: 1:15 – 5:30 pm, April 6, 2022 (Open to the public)
Location: Forum Hall, Palmer Commons (100 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor)
01:15 PM – Opening Remarks
Jing Liu (Managing Director, MIDAS, University of Michigan)
01:20 PM – Why Data Scientists Should Care About Data Equity
H.V. Jagadish (Director, MIDAS, University of Michigan)
02:00 PM – Responsible data science is equitable, informed, and secure
David Mongeau (University of Texas San Antonio)
02:40 PM – GeoAI and Spatial Data Science: with Great Power comes Great Responsibility
Shashi Shekhar (University of Minnesota)
03:20 PM – Break
03:40 PM – When Algorithms Trade: Modeling AI in Financial Markets
Michael Wellman (University of Michigan)
04:20 PM – Who Decides What Counts? AI and Big Data: Applications in Economic and Social Science Research
Frauke Kreuter (University of Maryland)
05:00 PM – Panel: Research directions and future breakthroughs
All speakers
Roundtable: Public-Private Partnership
Time: 1:15 – 2:30 pm, April 7, 2022
Location: Zoom Webinar (Open to the public)
In the Pursuit of Responsible AI: Developing AI Systems for People with People
Ece Kamar (Microsoft Research and Responsible AI Office)
Do the Right Thing: Our Drive for Ethical Intelligence
Brian Stucky (Director of Ethical AI team, Rocket Companies)
Panel Discussion
Ece Kamar, Brian Stucky, Frauke Kreuter, David Mongeau
Moderator: Kent Foster (Director of University Relations, Microsoft)
About the Faculty Mentors
Prominent researchers from academia and industry will serve as mentors for the attendees, offering career guidance and research insight. The 2022 mentors include:

H. V. Jagadish
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, MIDAS Director
University of Michigan

Frauke Kreuter
Professor of Survey Methodology, Director of Social Data Science Center
University of Maryland

David Mongeau
Director, School of Data Science
Professor of Practice
University of Texas at San Antonio

Shashi Shekhar
Professor of Computer Science
University of Minnesota

Michael Wellman
Professor and Chair of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Michigan
Summit Attendees
Our attendees are outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from 20 U.S. universities.
Name | University | Unit |
Alina Barnett | Duke University | Computer Science |
Jerome Bronson | Jackson State University | College of Health Science, School of Public Health |
Katherine Chang | University of Washington | Education Policy, Organizations, and Leadership |
Samantha Chiu | University of Maryland | Joint Program in Survey Methodology |
Bruce Corliss | University of Virginia | School of Data Science |
Efren Cruz Cortes | University of Michigan | Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society |
Amanda Coston | Carnegie Mellon University | Heinz School of Public Policy & Machine Learning Department |
Debajyoti Datta | University of Virginia | School of Data Science |
Emily Diana | University of Pennsylvania | Wharton Statistics Department |
Michael Geyer | University of Texas at San Antonio | Computer Science |
Jayant Gupta | University of Minnesota | Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
Hawley Helmbrecht | University of Washington | Chemical Engineering / University of Washington |
Ashkan Hosseinloo | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Institute for Data, Systems, and Society |
Mariah Knowles | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Information School |
John Koo | Indiana University | Statistics |
Subha Maity | The University of Michigan | Department of Statistics |
Octavio Mesner | The University of Michigan | Department of Statistics |
Karolina Naranjo-Velasco | University of Virginia | School of Data Science |
David Patrick | University of Texas at San Antonio | Computer Science |
Yuhan “Douglas” Rao | North Carolina State University | NC Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) |
Amy Rechkemmer | Purdue University | Department of Computer Science |
Sean Sinclair | Cornell University | Operations Research and Information Engineering |
Harvineet Singh | New York University | Center for Data Science |
Mahmoud Junior Suleman | University of Cincinnati | School of Information Technology |
Armin Thomas | Stanford University | Stanford Data Science |
Danielle Tucker | University of Illinois at Chicago | Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science |
Xinru Wang | Purdue University | Department of Computer Science |
Reisa Widjaja | University of Texas at San Antonio | School of Data Science/Management Science and Statistics |
Jared Willard | University of Minnesota | Computer Science |
Kai-Cheng Yang | Indiana University | Observatory on Social Media |
The 2022 Future Leaders Summit is sponsored by
Michigan DEI Office
Rocket Companies