
Greg Rybarczyk

Associate Professor, Geography, Planning and Environment

Causal mechanisms that influence travel patterns and urban dynamics

Dr. Greg Rybarczyk is an Associate Professor of Geography at the University of Michigan-Flint. He is also a Fellow at the Urban Design/Mental Health Institute (UK) and Director of the GIS program. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and has over a decade of experience utilizing geospatial and empirical approaches to examine active transportation, mobility, travel sentiment, urban design, accessibility, food systems, and public health.

Recent works:

Platt, L., and G. Rybarczyk. (2020) “Skateboarder and scooter rider perceptions of the urban environment: A qualitative analysis of user generated content,” Urban Geography, DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2020.1811554.

Rybarczyk, G., A. Ozbil, E. Andresen, and Z. Hayes. (2020) “Physiological responses to urban design during bicycling: A naturalistic investigation,” Transportation Research Part F: Psychology and Behaviour, 68: 79-93;

Rybarczyk, G. and S. Banerjee. (2015) Visualizing active travel sentiment in an urban context, Journal of Transport and Health, 2(2): 30

Rybarczyk, G., S. Banerjee, M. Starking-Szymanski, and R. Shaker. (2018) “Travel and us: The impact of mode share on sentiment using geosocial media data and GIS,” Journal of Location-Based Services 12(1): 40-62

9.9.2020 MIDAS Faculty Research Pitch Video.