
Data and AI in Society Lecture Series

Join us for the inaugural lecture of the MIDAS Data and AI in Society Lecture Series! This series is open to everyone—no AI experience is needed. Discover how data and artificial intelligence are shaping our lives and our society and why it matters to you. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage, learn, and be inspired!

The location for each lecture will vary on a monthly basis.

Series Speakers




6:00 – 7:30 PM

Can AI Be Conscious, and Why Does It Matter?

Kentaro Toyama, W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community Information at the University of Michigan School of Information and Fellow of the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT




Labor, Machines, and Economic Growth: Will Workers Be Needed in our AI Future

Betsey Stevenson, Professor of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at the University of Michigan, Faculty Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Fellow of the Ifo Institute for Economic Research (Munich)

Picture of Betsey Stevenson




Generative AI and Sexual Harms

Sarita Schoenebeck, Professor of Information at the University of Michigan School of Information




Working in Industries of Ideas: AI, Jobs, and the Economy

Jason Owen-Smith, Professor of Sociology, Professor of Organizational Studies, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; Associate Vice President for Research – Institutional Capabilities and Research Intelligence, Office of the Vice President for Research; Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research; and Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan