
Security and Privacy

Karthik Ramani

My research focuses on the intersection of translational medicine, device innovation, and clinical trial design, leveraging advanced data science methodologies to improve patient outcomes in nephrology and vascular access. Specifically, I apply machine learning, predictive analytics, and real-world evidence methodologies to enhance the effectiveness of novel medical devices and optimize clinical workflows. My work also ...

Karen Smith

I work in algebraic geometry, especially over finite fields. The set of points on an algebraic variety over particular subfields forms an interesting sequence of data sets. Studying it may, I hope, unlock some secrets of algebraic curves or surfaces or higher dimensional objects. I am also interested in connecting statistical forms of AI (machine ...

Xiao Zhang

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, where I lead the Trustworthy AIoT Lab (TAI Lab). Before joining UM-Dearborn, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at Duke University. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in the Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University, my M.S. ...

Vladimir Dvorkin

My work focuses on decision-making models and algorithms for enhancing planning, operation, and pricing in electric power systems with substantial renewable energy integration and rising AI-driven electricity demand. This involves developing prescriptive analytics—such as decision-focused and physics-informed machine learning models—to manage grid uncertainties, building large-scale equilibrium models to analyze interactions among AI users in the ...

Patricia Alves-Oliveira

I lead Robot Studio, a Research lab in the Robotics Department of the University of Michigan. Our work is focused on democratizing health and arts with social robots. We develop human-centered robot systems that enhance the quality of life and that promotes creativity. Our lab is interdisciplinary, composed of researchers from computer science, engineering, information ...

Jiayu Zhou

My main research activities address the fundamental challenges of machine learning when applied to real-world applications. My research theme is to develop generalizable, scalable, interpretable, and privacy-preserving approaches that can effectively mine insights from big data and validate and incorporate such insights in application domains, especially health informatics. My long-term research vision is to achieve ...

Mosharaf Chowdhury

I am a computer scientist and an associate professor at CSE Michigan, where I lead the SymbioticLab ( My research improves application performance and system efficiency of AI/ML and Big Data workloads with a recent focus on optimizing energy consumption and data privacy. I lead the ML Energy initiative (, a consortium of researchers focusing ...

Cyrus Omar

I lead the Future of Programming Lab (FP Lab), where we design modern user interfaces for modern programming languages. Much of how we program today is rooted in tools designed 40+ years ago, e.g. how we enter code (using simple text editing, which leads to profligate parse errors), how we validate code (using tests or ...

Merve Hickok

Merve will strengthen MIDAS effort to develop best practices and training for the responsible use of data and AI in academic research, strengthen large U-M grant proposals’ responsible data and AI components, and provide insights on AI policy and regulatory priorities to help bridge research with applied work.  Merve Hickok is the founder of ...


Affiliation Type



George Alter

Research Professor, Institute for Social Research Population Studies Center

Patricia Alves-Oliveira

Assistant Professor of Robotics, College of Engineering

Sol Bermann

Chief Information Security Officer, Executive Director - Information Assurance, Information and Technology Services

Bilal Butt

Associate Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Lucia Cevidanes

Thomas and Doris Graber Professor of Dentistry, Associate Professor, School of Dentistry

Mosharaf Chowdhury

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Vladimir Dvorkin

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan

Michael Elliott

Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health Survey Research Center

Birhanu Eshete

Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science