
John Barry Ryan

My research focuses on the subfield of political communication using three primary quantitative methodologies: surveys, experiments (both psychological and behavioral economic), and content coding of text. My research has looked at the content of campaign websites, scholar’s social media accounts, newspaper coverage of elections as well as networked participants involving mock elections in a lab.My ...

Mosharaf Chowdhury

I am a computer scientist and an associate professor at CSE Michigan, where I lead the SymbioticLab ( My research improves application performance and system efficiency of AI/ML and Big Data workloads with a recent focus on optimizing energy consumption and data privacy. I lead the ML Energy initiative (, a consortium of researchers focusing ...

Grant Schoenebeck

My current research combines machine learning tools and economic approaches (e.g game theory, mechanism design, and information design) to develop and analyze systems for eliciting and aggregating information from of diverse group of agents with varying information, interests, and abilities. This work applies to scenarios where a collective decision-making process is required, such as peer ...

Fan Bu

I am broadly interested in Bayesian and computational statistics for analyzing large-scale and complex data. I am particularly interested in spatio-temporal statistics, network inference, infectious disease models, and distributed learning. My methodological research has been motivated by applications in public health, observational healthcare studies, computational social science, and sports sciences. I came from a math ...

Uduak Inyang-Udoh

My research seeks to exploit graph-based modeling theory and the tools of machine learning for efficient control of physical dynamical systems and control co-design in these systems. I am particularly interested in the design of graph-based machine/deep learning model structures that are compatible with basic physics, and using those model structures for real-time actions. Application ...

Alexander Rodríguez

Alex’s research interests include machine learning, time series, multi-agent systems, uncertainty quantification, and scientific modeling. His recent focus is on developing trustworthy AI systems that can offer insightful guidance for critical decisions, especially in applications involving complex spatiotemporal dynamics. His work is primarily motivated by real-world problems in public health, environmental health and community resilience.

Tian An Wong

Analysis of policing technology and police data, including impact assessment of surveillance technology, media sentiment analysis, and fatal police violence. Methods include topological data analysis, natural language processing, multivariate time series analysis, difference-in-differences, and complex networks.

Qiong Yang

My research program at the University of Michigan (UM) integrates the fields of biophysics, quantitative systems biology, and bottom-up synthetic biology to understand complex stochastic cellular and developmental processes in early embryos. We have developed innovative computational and experimental techniques in microfluidics and imaging to allow high-throughput quantitative manipulation and single-cell lineage tracking of cellular ...

Mohammed Ombadi

My research focuses on understanding and quantifying climate change impacts on hydroclimatic extremes. From heavy storms and floods to extreme heatwaves and droughts, I study the changing characteristics of these events and their impacts on our daily lives. I use a wide range of data-driven methods such as causal inference, information theory, nonlinear dynamics and ...


Affiliation Type



Eytan Adar

Associate Professor, School of Information EECS, College of Engineering

Peter Adriaens

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering Ross School of Business School for Environment and Sustainability

Raed Al Kontar

Associate Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering

Fadhl Alakwaa

Research Investigator, Neurology

Veera Baladandayuthapani

Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Laura Balzano

Associate Professor, EECS, College of Engineering

Adriene Beltz

Assistant Professor, Psychology, LSA

Saif Benjaafar

Seth Bonder Collegiate Professor and Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering

Kathleen M Bergen

Associate Research Scientist, School for Environment and Sustainability