Machine Learning

Chenhui Shao

The overarching goal of my research is to develop innovative data science methodologies that enable responsive, optimal, and intelligent decision-making in manufacturing. My work focuses on three interconnected research thrusts: (1) online process control and non-destructive evaluation, (2) cost-effective, scalable, and generalizable machine learning, and (3) multi-modal data fusion. By integrating advanced data science tools ...

Karen Smith

I work in algebraic geometry, especially over finite fields. The set of points on an algebraic variety over particular subfields forms an interesting sequence of data sets. Studying it may, I hope, unlock some secrets of algebraic curves or surfaces or higher dimensional objects. I am also interested in connecting statistical forms of AI (machine ...

Devin Judge-Lord

My work employs a range of methods, with particular contributions in the field of text analysis. By building large open-source datasets and methods to analyze large volumes of political texts, I aim to expand the aspects of policymaking that are open to systematic study. Primarily, I develop methods for integrating human coding of texts with ...

Henning Silber

My research focuses on quantitative social research methodology, and I use machine learning to identify bias in social science data, especially due to measurement and nonresponse error, and to process unstructured data. I also use LLMs for the classification of text data, and explore strategies to use AI in questionnaire design. I first started to ...

Xiao Zhang

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, where I lead the Trustworthy AIoT Lab (TAI Lab). Before joining UM-Dearborn, I was a Postdoctoral Associate at Duke University. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in the Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University, my M.S. ...

Vladimir Dvorkin

My work focuses on decision-making models and algorithms for enhancing planning, operation, and pricing in electric power systems with substantial renewable energy integration and rising AI-driven electricity demand. This involves developing prescriptive analytics—such as decision-focused and physics-informed machine learning models—to manage grid uncertainties, building large-scale equilibrium models to analyze interactions among AI users in the ...

Haojie Zhu

Haojie Zhu’s research centers on identifying genetic and non-genetic biomarkers associated with the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of various therapeutic agents through an integrated multi-omics approach, including genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. He is also focused on utilizing these biomarkers to develop statistical and machine-learning models aimed at individualizing pharmacotherapy

Patricia Alves-Oliveira

I lead Robot Studio, a Research lab in the Robotics Department of the University of Michigan. Our work is focused on democratizing health and arts with social robots. We develop human-centered robot systems that enhance the quality of life and that promotes creativity. Our lab is interdisciplinary, composed of researchers from computer science, engineering, information ...

Jiaqi Li

Dr. Jiaqi Li’s research interests include industrial decarbonization of materials, such as concrete and hydrogen, for civil and energy infrastructure through the use and generation of renewable energy and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. His research uses in-house experimental results to validate modelling work and uses machine learning tools such as regression, clustering, network analysis, ...


Affiliation Type



Keith Aaronson, MD

MD, Collegiate Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Professor of Internal Medicine, Michigan Medicine Cardiology Clinic | Cardiovascular Center

Steven Abney

Associate Professor, Linguistics, LSA School of Information EECS, College of Engineering (Courtesy)

Yasser Aboelkassem

Assistant Professor, College of Innovation and Technology

Mohamed Abouelenien

Associate Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science

Joelle Abramowitz

Associate Research Scientist, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Andrew J. Admon, MD, MPH, MSc

Clinical Lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine

Peter Adriaens

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering Ross School of Business School for Environment and Sustainability

Mahesh Agarwal

Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters