
Geographic Information Systems

Benjamin Goldstein

Benjamin Goldstein is Assistant Professor of Environment and Sustainability and head of the Sustainable Urban-Rural Futures (SURF) lab. The SURF Lab ( studies and emphasizes urban sustainability at multiple scales. Through his work at the SURF Lab, Benjamin helps understand how urban processes and urban form drive the consumption of materials and energy in cities ...

Derek Van Berkel

Dr. Van Berkel is an assistant professor at The University of Michigan, School for Environment and Sustainability. His research focuses on understanding land change at diverse scales; the physical and psychological benefit of exposure to natural environments; and how digital visualization of data can add new place-based knowledge in science and community decision-making. He has ...

Cheng Li

My research focuses on developing advanced numerical models and computational tools to enhance our understanding and prediction capabilities for both terrestrial and extraterrestrial climate systems. By leveraging the power of data science, I aim to unravel the complexities of atmospheric dynamics and climate processes on Earth, as well as on other planets such as Mars, ...

Jacob Allgeier

My goal as an ecologist is to apply ecological theory to help solve real-world conservation issues. Specifically, I seek to identify the mechanisms by which behavioral, population, and community dynamics mediate nutrient and energy pathways. The objective is to improve our ability to predict ecological outcomes, and enhance conservation efficacy such as the sustainability of ...

Tian An Wong

Analysis of policing technology and police data, including impact assessment of surveillance technology, media sentiment analysis, and fatal police violence. Methods include topological data analysis, natural language processing, multivariate time series analysis, difference-in-differences, and complex networks.

Runzi Wang

Runzi Wang is a transdisciplinary researcher who studies change in natural and urban environments across space and over time, with the objective of driving positive change with ecological planning and design strategies. Combining technologies such as big data, machine learning, remote sensing, and spatial statistics, her primary research explores how land cover change and urban ...


Affiliation Type



Jacob Allgeier

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Benjamin Goldstein

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Cheng Li

Assistant Professor, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering

Derek Van Berkel

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Runzi Wang

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainablity

Tian An Wong

Assistant Professor, Mathematics, College of Arts, Science, and Letters