Artificial Intelligence

Chris Teplovs

My research focuses on leveraging language models to enable concurrent, embedded and transformative assessment processes for learners and their educational journeys. Traditional assessment approaches are primarily summative, placing students in high-pressure exam situations that may not accurately reflect their abilities or learning progression. These assessments tend to follow a “one size fits all” model, neglecting ...

Efe Yamac Yarbasi

Dr. Yarbasi’s expertise lies in uncertainty quantification for complex systems, verification and validation (V&V) processes, robotics, energy systems modeling within smart building infrastructures, and systems engineering. Prior to joining U-M, he collaborated extensively with government and industry on a range of projects, including the development of a surgical endoscopy robot and the energy optimization of ...

Jiayu Zhou

My main research activities address the fundamental challenges of machine learning when applied to real-world applications. My research theme is to develop generalizable, scalable, interpretable, and privacy-preserving approaches that can effectively mine insights from big data and validate and incorporate such insights in application domains, especially health informatics. My long-term research vision is to achieve ...

Lin Ma

My research interests lie in the intersection of database management systems (DBMSs) and machine learning (ML), especially using ML/AI techniques to automate database administration/tuning to remove human impediments.

Srijita Das

My research is about building sample-efficient machine learning models. My long term goal is to develop collaborative systems that can actively seek advice from humans and make faster decisions, resulting in reliable and practical systems. I specifically focus on design of sequential decision-making models to make them learn faster. We leverage advice from humans in ...

Mosharaf Chowdhury

I am a computer scientist and an associate professor at CSE Michigan, where I lead the SymbioticLab ( My research improves application performance and system efficiency of AI/ML and Big Data workloads with a recent focus on optimizing energy consumption and data privacy. I lead the ML Energy initiative (, a consortium of researchers focusing ...

Carol Menassa

My group’s research focuses on understanding and modeling the interconnections between human experience and the built environment. We design autonomous systems that support wellbeing, safety and productivity of office and construction workers, and provides them opportunities for lifelong learning and upskilling. In all research projects, we work hard to ensure that the results are inclusive ...

Grant Schoenebeck

My current research combines machine learning tools and economic approaches (e.g game theory, mechanism design, and information design) to develop and analyze systems for eliciting and aggregating information from of diverse group of agents with varying information, interests, and abilities. This work applies to scenarios where a collective decision-making process is required, such as peer ...

Hao-Wen Dong

My research aims to empower music and audio creation with machine learning. My long-term goal is to lower the barrier of entry for music composition and democratize audio content creation. I am broadly interested in music generation, audio synthesis, generative AI, multimodal learning, and music information retrieval. I study a wide range of topics centered ...


Affiliation Type



Steven Abney

Associate Professor, Linguistics, LSA School of Information EECS, College of Engineering (Courtesy)

Yasser Aboelkassem

Assistant Professor, College of Innovation and Technology

Mohamed Abouelenien

Associate Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science

Peter Adriaens

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering Ross School of Business School for Environment and Sustainability

Omar Jamil Ahmed

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Jacob Allgeier

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

M. Reza Amini

Assistant Research Scientist, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Sardar Ansari

Research Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine