The Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS) is hosting the Great Lakes Data Challenge in summer of 2016. As part of our 10 year anniversary, GLOS will be taking open data to the next level by using open innovation to broaden our community and create new partnerships to engage people in problem solving for the Great Lakes. GLOS is currently soliciting support for sponsors and issue experts.
- Inspire a wider audience to engage with Great Lakes issues
- Use technologies, innovation and creativity to solve Great Lakes problems
- Encourage the use of open data resources from GLOS and beyond
- Late May 2016: Launch challenge
- June: Kick-off event(s), including IAGLR
- August 15: Submissions due. Submissions can include an app, data “mash-up”, visualization, story, or other innovative idea for using, collecting, analyzing, visualizing, and/or communicating Great Lakes data.
- August 15-31: Judging
- September 15: Winners notified
- October 12-13: Award presentation at GLOS Annual Meeting in Ann Arbor, MI
- Baseline prize money: $5,000
- Data, technical support, and resources for developer guidelines, rules, etc.
- Data Challenge(s) coordination
Sponsors: by May 20 The Great Lakes Data Challenge is a unique opportunity to network the region’s
environmental, governmental and non-profit sectors with the information technology sector. Sponsors must commit by May 20 to ensure inclusion in event promotions.
Consider sponsoring the challenge at one of our suggested levels (see next page) to help support prize
money, event costs, and promotional giveaways. This is a great way to promote your business/organization to a diverse audience of environmental data and technology stakeholders.
Issue Experts: by June 1 We are looking for volunteers with expertise in areas including invasive species, nutrients and algae and boater safety, among others. You would agree to be a resource to teams who have specific questions about the topic at hand. The commitment could be flexible according to your interest and availability.
Please contact GLOS at [email protected] if you are interested in supporting the data challenge in any of these areas.
Be a part of the Great Lakes Observing System’s Data Challenge
- SUPERIOR $5,000
All lower level sponsorship benefits as well as…
Top billing as Data Challenge co-sponsor in all event promotions and media releases
Large, prominent logo on event giveaways, promotional signage, and website - MICHIGAN $2,500
All lower level sponsorship benefits as well as…
Acknowledgement as co-sponsor for a custom challenge category
Logo on event giveaways - HURON $1,000
All lower level sponsorship benefits as well as…
Sponsorship acknowledgement at promotional events including kick-off and award presentation
Logo on Data Challenge website and promotional signage - ONTARIO $500
All lower level sponsorship benefits as well as…
Sponsorship acknowledgement on promotional signage
Complimentary individual (for 1 person) GLOS membership and registration to the GLOS Annual Meeting - ERIE $250
Sponsorship acknowledgement and website link on Data Challenge website
Acknowledgement in GLOS Annual Report