Associate Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Michigan Medicine
literature mining and gene networks, Ontology
My laboratory data science research includes: (1) Ontology development. We have initiated and led the development of several community-based ontologies, including Vaccine Ontology (VO), Ontology of Adverse Events (OAE), Cell Line Ontology (CLO), Ontology of Genes and Genomes (OGG), and Interaction Network Ontology (INO). (2) Ontology tool development. We have developed many ontology software programs, such as OntoFox and Ontobee, which are widely used for ontology reuse, ontology development, and ontology applications. (3) Literature mining, with a focus on ontology-based literature mining approaches. (4) Bayesian network (BN) modeling for analysis of gene interaction networks. Meanwhile, we have applied these ontologies, ontology-related approaches, and BN modeling in different data science domains including vaccinology, microbiology, immunology, and pharmacovigilance.