Workshop 3 | NLP Research Project Workflows

November 9, 2022 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Earl Lewis Room, Rackham Building

In this afternoon workshop, we will discuss incorporating NLP into broader project workflows and introduce work from some labs at U-M applying NLP to study mental health.


  • Elyse Thulin, Data Science Fellow, Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society
    Dr. Elyse Thulin’s research focuses on applications of computational methods to better understand human behaviors. One of her main projects applies natural language processing methods to examine interactions in an online substance use recovery group to better understand substance use recovery pathways, mental health, and social relationships.
  • Winston Wu, Research Fellow, Computer Science and Engineering
    Dr. Winston Wu is currently a postdoctoral researcher in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. His research interests broadly include natural language processing across multiple languages and cultures. He currently works with Professors Rada Mihalcea and Lu Wang on understanding societal biases in existing and machine-generated texts in various domains including political news and fairy tales. He received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University, where he worked on multilingual NLP for low-resource languages.

Prerequisites and software requirements: Knowledge of Python would be helpful, but not required.
Registration is required.