MIDAS Faculty GAI Workshop Summer 2023

July 23, 8:45 AM - July 26, 2023, 12:30 PM

Central Campus Classroom Building, Room 0460
1225 Geddes Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109


About Generative AI Workshop

Registration for this event has closed.

A Brief Introduction to GenAI (Google Slides).

MIDAS and the Michigan AI Lab hosted a faculty workshop with the theme of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI) for research. All faculty members who are interested in deploying Generative AI for their research are welcome.

Generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Bard, use sophisticated algorithms and extensive datasets to autonomously generate content. By leveraging their ability to learn patterns from existing data, generative AI models can provide valuable support in various research domains, aiding researchers by assisting in tasks like writing scientific papers, hypothesizing new ideas, summarizing literature, and providing experimental design and analysis.

This workshop offered a unique launchpad for collaboration and exploration of Generative AI’s impact on research. The workshop features speakers from academia and industry, who presented use cases on Generative AI-faciliated research in a wide range of research fields such as drug discovery and architectural design, as well as technical, ethical and infrastructural considerations for deploying Generative AI in research. Extensive roundtable discussion among attendees were followed. Our aim is to launch interdisciplinary research projects and teams, and generate new insights on the future development of Generative AI and its impact on research.

NEW: See our Generative AI Quick User’s Guide for guidance on how Generative AI can be used in multiple aspects of your research, and our Generative AI Resources page for a curated list of cutting edge Generative AI research, opinion pieces and models.


Generative AI Workshop Day Agenda

Generative AI in research: Use cases and promises

8:45 – 9:10 AM : Registration and Continental breakfast

9:10 – 9:30 AM : Welcome, preview of the workshop 

9:30 – 9:50 AM : Intro to Generative AI (Ken Reid, Data Scientist, MIDAS)

9:50 – 11:40 AM : Theme 1 – Generative AI for research and considerations about research rigor and AI ethics

  • Dr. Matias del Campo, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Design, “Generative AI in Design”
  • Dr. Dallas Card, School of Information, “Evaluation Challenges for LLMs”
  • Merve Hickok, President, Center for AI & Digital Policy, “Generative AI and Ethics”
  • All audience members: roundtable discussion

11:40 AM – 12:10 PM : Lunch 

12:10 – 2:15 PM : Theme 2 – Generative AI – a look under the hood

  • Dr. David Jurgens, School of Information
  • Dr. Xu Wang, Computer Science and Engineering
  • Dr. Stella Yu, Computer Science and Engineering, “Data-Driven Visual Learning with Hierarchy and Minimum Supervision”
  • All audience members: roundtable discussion

2:15 – 2:30 PM : Break

2:30 – 4:20 PM : Theme 3 – Specific use cases of Generative AI in research

  • Dr. Timothy Cernak, Medicinal Chemistry and Chemistry, “Generative AI in chemistry and pharmaceutical research”
  • Dr. Karandeep Singh, Learning Health Sciences, “Generative AI in clinical research”
  • All audience members: roundtable discussion

4:30 – 5:00 PM : Wrap-up

Generative AI for research: methodology and infrastructure

8:15 – 8:30 AM : Registration and Continental breakfast

8:30 – 10:00 AM : Theme 4 – Implementing Generative AI in research

  • Dr. Joyce Chai, Computer Science and Engineering, “Customizing and Fine Tuning Large Language Models”
  • Shane Storks, Computer Science and Engineering, “Prompt Engineering with Large Language Models: Origins and Research Applications”
  • Dr. Paramveer Dhillon, School of Information, “Using Generative AI for redefining online news”
  • All audience members: roundtable discussion

10:00 – 11:30 AM : Theme 5 – Infrastructure and logistics for Generative AI in research

  • “Collaborative development of AI models” – Dr. Fereshte Khani, Senior Applied
    Scientist, Microsoft
  • Chris Daugherty, Education Strategy Lead, Google
  • Don Lambert, Director of Emerging Technology and AI Services, ITS
  • Bob Jones,  Executive Director of Support Services, ITS
  • Q&A with all speakers

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM : Lunch. Attendees propose and discuss projects and next steps.


Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Michigan

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