Stephen Ajwang

Tutorial Fellow, Department of Informatics and Information Science, Rongo University, Kenya

Data Science Fellow Alum, MIDAS

Stephen Ajwang is a Tutorial Fellow in the Department of Informatics and Information Science at Rongo University, Kenya, where he also received his MSc in Information Technology. He is also pursuing a PhD in Information Technology. His research interest lies in the realm of Big data analytics for climate smart agriculture.

The increasing volume of data and the availability of advanced technologies such as machine learning and big data analytics have revolutionized the way data is captured, processed, stored and mined. Accordingly, almost all facets of everyday life have applied these technologies to enhance efficiency and increase productivity through creation of seamless systems that are intuitive and capable of providing real-time, high-quality, and accessible data to facilitate decision making. It is on this basis that I intend to work on a project on Leveraging Big Data Analytics for Climate Smart Agriculture. The goal of this project is to develop a data lake and an information system which integrates analytics and machine learning to provide appropriate and accessible climate-based information.