Survey Research Center

Henning Silber

My research focuses on quantitative social research methodology, and I use machine learning to identify bias in social science data, especially due to measurement and nonresponse error, and to process unstructured data. I also use LLMs for the classification of text data, and explore strategies to use AI in questionnaire design. I first started to ...

Yajuan Si

My research lies in cutting-edge methodology development in streams of Bayesian statistics, complex survey inference, missing data imputation, causal inference, and data confidentiality protection. I have extensive collaboration experiences with health services researchers and epidemiologists to improve healthcare and public health practice, and have been providing statistical support to solve sampling and analysis issues on ...

Matthew Shapiro

Prof. Shapiro is the Lawrence R. Klein Collegiate Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Research Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prof. Shapiro’s general area of research is macroeconomics. He has studied investment and capital utilization, business-cycle fluctuations, consumption and saving, ...

Michael Elliott

Michael Elliott is Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and Research Scientist at the Institute for Social Research. Dr. Elliott’s statistical research interests focus around the broad topic of “missing data,” including the design and analysis of sample surveys, casual and counterfactual inference, and latent variable models. He has ...

Jason Owen-Smith

Professor Owen-Smith conducts research on the collective dynamics of large scale networks and their implications for scientific and technological innovation and surgical care. He is the executive director of the Institution for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS,  IRIS is a national consortium of research universities who share data and support infrastructure designed to ...

Trivellore E. Raghunathan

Dr. Raghunathan’s primary research interest is in developing methods for dealing with missing data in sample surveys and in epidemiological studies. The methods are motivated from a Bayesian perspective but with desirable frequency or repeated sampling properties. The analysis of incomplete data from practical sample surveys poses additional problems due to extensive stratification, clustering of units ...


Affiliation Type



Michael Elliott

Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health Survey Research Center

Jason Owen-Smith

Professor, Institute for Research on Innovation and Science (IRIS)Sociology, LSASurvey Research CenterInstitute for Social Research

Trivellore E. Raghunathan

Director and Research Professor, Survey Research Center Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Matthew Shapiro

Professor, Economics, LSA Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Yajuan Si

Research Assistant Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Henning Silber

Research Assistant Professor, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research