
Katherine Brumberg

Katherine Brumberg’s research focuses on matching and stratification methods in observational studies. Her main contributions have been in developing new methods for optimizing the balance of covariates between the treated and control groups using approximation algorithms to solve intractable integer programs. She applies this research in healthcare and social science domains and has a particular ...

Yixin Wang

Yixin Wang works in the fields of Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and causal inference, with applications to recommender systems, text data, and genetics. She also works on algorithmic fairness and reinforcement learning, often via connections to causality. Her research centers around developing practical and trustworthy machine learning algorithms for large datasets that can enhance scientific ...

Ya’acov Ritov

My main interest is theoretical statistics as implied to complex model from semiparametric to ultra high dimensional regression analysis. In particular the negative aspects of Bayesian and causal analysis as implemented in modern statistics. An analysis of the position of SCOTUS judges.

Kean Ming Tan

I am an applied statistician working on statistical machine learning methods for analyzing complex biomedical data sets. I develop multivariate statistical methods such as probabilistic graphical models, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, and dimension reduction to uncover patterns from massive data set. Recently, I also work on topics related to robust statistics, non-convex optimization, and data ...

Yang Chen

Yang Chen received her Ph.D. (2017) in Statistics from Harvard University and then joined the University of Michigan as an Assistant Professor of Statistics and Research Assistant Professor at the Michigan Institute of Data Science (MIDAS). She received her B.A. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from the University of Science and Technology of China. Research ...

Yuekai Sun

Yuekai Sun, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the department of Statistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Sun’s research is motivated by the challenges of analyzing massive data sets in data-driven science and engineering. I focus on statistical methodology for high-dimensional problems; i.e. problems where the number of unknown parameters is comparable to or exceeds ...

Edward Ionides

Time series analysis with applications to ecology, epidemiology, health economics, cell motion and neuroscience. Methodological work on inference for partially observed stochastic dynamic systems.

Jack D. Kalbfleisch

Dr. Kalbfleisch is a Professor of Biostatistics and Statistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He served as chair of the Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, from 2002 to 2007 and as Director of the Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center from 2008 to 2011. He received his Ph.D. in statistics in 1969 ...

Roderick Little

Roderick Joseph Little, PhD, is the Richard D. Remington Distinguished University Professor of Biostatistics, Professor of Statistics, Research Professor, Institute for Social Research, and Senior Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prof. Little’s primary research interest is the analysis of data sets with missing values. Many statistical techniques are designed ...


Affiliation Type



Mahesh Agarwal

Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters

Moulinath Banerjee

Professor, Biostatistics, Statistics, LSA

Katherine Brumberg

Assistant Professor of Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Yang Chen

Assistant Professor, Statistics, LSA

Fred Feinberg

Professor, Marketing, Ross School of Business Statistics, LSA

Johann Gagnon-Bartsch

Assistant Professor, Statistics, LSA

Rich Gonzalez

Professor, Psychology, LSA Statistics, LSA Marketing, Ross School of Business

Xuming He

Professor, Statistics, LSA

Alfred Hero

Professor, EECS, College of Engineering Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering Statistics, LSA