Yixin Wang
Yixin Wang works in the fields of Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and causal inference, with applications to recommender systems, text data, and genetics. She also works on algorithmic fairness and reinforcement learning, often via connections to causality. Her research centers around developing practical and trustworthy machine learning algorithms for large datasets that can enhance scientific ...
Kean Ming Tan
I am an applied statistician working on statistical machine learning methods for analyzing complex biomedical data sets. I develop multivariate statistical methods such as probabilistic graphical models, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, and dimension reduction to uncover patterns from massive data set. Recently, I also work on topics related to robust statistics, non-convex optimization, and data ...
Yang Chen
Yang Chen received her Ph.D. (2017) in Statistics from Harvard University and then joined the University of Michigan as an Assistant Professor of Statistics and Research Assistant Professor at the Michigan Institute of Data Science (MIDAS). She received her B.A. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from the University of Science and Technology of China. Research ...
Yuekai Sun
Yuekai Sun, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the department of Statistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Sun’s research is motivated by the challenges of analyzing massive data sets in data-driven science and engineering. I focus on statistical methodology for high-dimensional problems; i.e. problems where the number of unknown parameters is comparable to or exceeds ...
Fred Feinberg
My research examines how people make choices in uncertain environments. The general focus is on using statistical models to explain complex decision patterns, particularly involving sequential choices among related items (e.g., brands in the same category) and dyads (e.g., people choosing one another in online dating), as well as a variety of applications to problems ...
Clayton Scott
I study patterns in large, complex data sets, and make quantitative predictions and inferences about those patterns. Problems I’ve worked on include classification, anomaly detection, active and semi-supervised learning, transfer learning, and density estimation. I am primarily interested in developing new algorithms and proving performance guarantees for new and existing algorithms.
Elizaveta Levina
Elizaveta (Liza) Levina and her group work on various questions arising in the statistical analysis of large and complex data, especially networks and graphs. Our current focus is on developing rigorous and computationally efficient statistical inference on realistic models for networks. Current directions include community detection problems in networks (overlapping communities, networks with additional information ...
Moulinath Banerjee
Moulinath Banerjee, PhD, is Professor of Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Moulinath Banerjee was born and raised in India where he completed both his Bachelors and Masters in Statistics at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Statistics department at University ...
Affiliation Type
Moulinath Banerjee
Professor, Biostatistics, Statistics, LSA
Yang Chen
Assistant Professor, Statistics, LSA
Fred Feinberg
Professor, Marketing, Ross School of Business Statistics, LSA
Rich Gonzalez
Professor, Psychology, LSA Statistics, LSA Marketing, Ross School of Business
Xuming He
Professor, Statistics, LSA
Edward Ionides
Professor, Statistics, LSA