Computer Science and Engineering

Wei Hu

Wei Hu is broadly interested in the theoretical and scientific foundations of modern machine learning, especially deep learning. His research aims to obtain a solid, rigorous, and practically relevant theoretical understanding of machine learning pipelines, as well as to develop principles to make them more reliable and efficient.

Lu Wang

Lu’s research is focused on natural language processing, computational social science, and machine learning. More specifically, Lu works on algorithms for text summarization, language generation, argument mining, information extraction, and discourse analysis, as well as novel applications that apply such techniques to understand media bias and polarization and other interdisciplinary subjects.

Benjamin Fish

My research tackles how human values can be incorporated into machine learning and other computational systems. This includes work on the translation process from human values to computational definitions and work on how to understand and encourage fairness while preventing discrimination in machine learning and data science. My research combines tools from the theory of ...

Nikola Banovic

My research focuses on methods, applications, and ethics of Computational Modeling in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Understanding and modeling human behavior supports innovative information technology that will change how we study and design interactive user experiences. I envision modeling the human accurately across domains as a theoretical foundation for work in HCI in which computational models ...

Feng Zhou

For human-machine systems, I first collect data from human users, whether it’s an individual, a team, or even a society. Different kinds of methods can be used, including self-report, interview, focus groups, physiological and behavioral data, as well as user-generated data from the Internet. Based on the data collected, I attempt to understand human contexts, ...

Z. Morley Mao

Z. Morley Mao, PhD, is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus.

Quentin Stout

I primarily work on developing scalable parallel algorithms to solve large scientific problems. This has been done with teams from several different disciplines and application areas. I’m most concerned with algorithms emphasizing in-memory approaches. Another area of research has developed serial algorithms for nonparametric regression. This is a flexible form of regression that only assumes ...

Honglak Lee

Dr. Lee’s research interests lie in machine learning and its applications to artificial intelligence. In particular, he focuses on deep learning and representation learning, which aims to learn an abstract representation of the data by a hierarchical and compositional structure. His research also spans over related topics, such as graphical models, optimization, and large-scale learning. Specific application ...

Steven Abney

Dr. Abney has pursued research in natural language understanding and natural language learning, including information extraction, biomedical text processing, integrating text analysis into web search, robust and rapid partial parsing, stochastic grammars, spoken-language information systems, extraction of linguistic information from scanned page images, dependency-grammar induction for low-resource languages, and semisupervised learning.


Affiliation Type



Steven Abney

Associate Professor, Linguistics, LSA School of Information EECS, College of Engineering (Courtesy)

Nikola Banovic

Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Benjamin Fish

Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Wei Hu

Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Danai Koutra

Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Honglak Lee

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Z. Morley Mao

Professor, Computer Science Engineering, College of Engineering

Emily Mower Provost

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Quentin Stout

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering Climate and Space Science, Climate and Space Science