
Fan Bu

I am broadly interested in Bayesian and computational statistics for analyzing large-scale and complex data. I am particularly interested in spatio-temporal statistics, network inference, infectious disease models, and distributed learning. My methodological research has been motivated by applications in public health, observational healthcare studies, computational social science, and sports sciences. I came from a math ...

Jian Kang

Dr. Kang’s research focuses on the developments of statistical methods motivated by biomedical applications with a focus on neuroimaging. His recent key contributions can be summarized in the following three aspects: Bayesian regression for complex biomedical applications Dr. Kang and his group developed a series of Bayesian regression methods for the association analysis between the ...

Walter Dempsey

Dr. Dempsey’s research focuses on statistical methods for digital and mobile health. My current work involves three complementary research themes: (1) experimental design and data analytic methods to inform multi-stage decision making in health; (2) statistical modeling of complex longitudinal and survival data; and (3) statistical modeling of complex relational structures such as interaction networks. ...

Veera Baladandayuthapani

Dr. Veera Baladandayuthapani is currently a Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at University of Michigan (UM), where he is also the Associate Director of the Center for Cancer Biostatistics. He joined UM in Fall 2018 after spending 13 years in the Department of Biostatistics at University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, ...

Mousumi Banerjee

My research is primarily focused around 1) machine learning methods for understanding healthcare delivery and outcomes in the population, 2) analyses of correlated data (e.g. longitudinal and clustered data), and 3) survival analysis and competing risks analyses. We have developed tree-based and ensemble regression methods for censored and multilevel data, combination classifiers using different types ...

Zhenke Wu

Zhenke Wu is an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, and a core faculty member in the Michigan Institute of Data Science (MIDAS). He received his Ph.D. in Biostatistics from the Johns Hopkins University in 2014 and then stayed at Hopkins for his postdoctoral training before joining the University of Michigan. Dr. Wu’s research focuses on the ...

Brenda Gillespie

Brenda Gillespie, PhD, is Associate Director in Consulting for Statistics, Computing and Analytics Research (CSCAR) with a secondary appointment as Associate Research Professor in the department of Biostatistics in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She provides statistical collaboration and support for numerous research projects at the University of Michigan. She ...

Sebastian Zöllner

Sebastian Zöllner is a Professor of Biostatistics. He also holds an appointment in the Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Zöllner joined the University of Michigan after a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago. His research effort is divided between generating new methods in statistical genetics and analyzing data. The ...

Moulinath Banerjee

Moulinath Banerjee, PhD, is Professor of Statistics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Moulinath Banerjee was born and raised in India where he completed both his Bachelors and Masters in Statistics at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He obtained his Ph.D. from the Statistics department at University ...


Affiliation Type



Veera Baladandayuthapani

Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Moulinath Banerjee

Professor, Biostatistics, Statistics, LSA

Mousumi Banerjee

Anant M. Kshirsagar Collegiate Research Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health IHPI Rogel Cancer Center

Michael Boehnke

Richard G Cornell Distinguished University Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Fan Bu

Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics

Walter Dempsey

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, Assistant Research Professor at the Institute of Social Research, Department of Biostatistics

Michael Elliott

Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health Survey Research Center

Andrzej T Galecki

Research Professor, Institute of Gerontology, Michigan Medicine Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Brenda Gillespie

Associate Director, CSCAR Biostatistics, School of Public Health