“Dr. Zelner and his team are building a model to predict COVID-19 spread risks for neighborhoods and communities in real time. MIDAS is proud to fund research which will help the government prevent spikes of new infection in Michigan.”
-H.V. Jagadish, Director, MIDAS
Working with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Dr. Jon Zelner (Epidemiology) and his team are building a model to predict COVID-19 spread risks for neighborhoods and communities in real time. This model will help the government prevent spikes of new infection. Please visit the Michigan COVID-19 Tracker to read more about Dr. Zelner’s work.
The MIDAS COVID-19 Propelling Original Data Science (PODS) grants were awarded on May 13th, 2020, each of the 7 teams received funding of up to $30,000 with projects starting immediately and expected to finish by the end of 2020. These projects demonstrate the resolve, expertise, and creativity of U-M data scientists facing a public health crisis. To learn more about the other projects please visit our COVID-19 PODS awards page.