
Social Science

William Axinn

Dr. Axinn is a Professor of survey research, population studies, sociology, and public policy at the University of Michigan. Axinn is a social demographer studying community, intergenerational, and social psychological influences on marriage, childbearing, reproductive health, mental health, and the natural environment. He is the former director of Michigan’s Survey Research Center, which has an ...

James Wagner

James Wagner, Ph.D. is a Research Professor at the University of Michigan’s Survey Research Center (UM-SRC). His research is in the area of survey nonresponse and methods for addressing it during data collection. He has co-authored a book on adaptive survey design — which is a set of methods that aims to optimize the recruitment ...

David Rigby

I completed my PhD in sociology at UNC Chapel Hill followed by teaching at Washington University St. Louis, a postdoctoral fellowship at Duke with the sociology department and population research institute, and I am now a research scientist at the UM Institute for Social Research in the Landscapes of Population Health program. In my research ...

Devin Judge-Lord

My work employs a range of methods, with particular contributions in the field of text analysis. By building large open-source datasets and methods to analyze large volumes of political texts, I aim to expand the aspects of policymaking that are open to systematic study. Primarily, I develop methods for integrating human coding of texts with ...

Henning Silber

My research focuses on quantitative social research methodology, and I use machine learning to identify bias in social science data, especially due to measurement and nonresponse error, and to process unstructured data. I also use LLMs for the classification of text data, and explore strategies to use AI in questionnaire design. I first started to ...

Patricia Alves-Oliveira

I lead Robot Studio, a Research lab in the Robotics Department of the University of Michigan. Our work is focused on democratizing health and arts with social robots. We develop human-centered robot systems that enhance the quality of life and that promotes creativity. Our lab is interdisciplinary, composed of researchers from computer science, engineering, information ...

Steven Wilson

I study human communication using Natural Language Processing methods with a focus on understanding and incorporating the social context of text data and the people that create it. I am broadly interested in how people sift through and add to the vast body of online content, how they tell stories and make sense of the ...
Photo of Xiaofan Liang

Xiaofan Liang

My research focused on using computational approaches and spatial and social network methods to advance understanding and solutions for contemporary urban challenges. My current research has two themes: 1) examining how urban network infrastructure (e.g., transportation, social, or digital infrastructure) can simultaneously be inclusive and exclusive, offering connectivity and access for certain populations, places, or ...

Katherine Brumberg

Katherine Brumberg’s research focuses on matching and stratification methods in observational studies. Her main contributions have been in developing new methods for optimizing the balance of covariates between the treated and control groups using approximation algorithms to solve intractable integer programs. She applies this research in healthcare and social science domains and has a particular ...


Affiliation Type



Eytan Adar

Associate Professor, School of InformationEECS, College of Engineering

Michelle Aebersold

Clinical Associate Professor, School of Nursing

Mahesh Agarwal

Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters

Omar Jamil Ahmed

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Hyun-soo Ahn

Professor, Technology and Operations, Ross School of BusinessSupply Chain Management

J. Trent Alexander

Research Professor, ICPSR, ISR

Daniel Almirall

Associate Professor, Survey Research Center Institute for Social Research Statistics, LSA

George Alter

Research Professor, Institute for Social Research Population Studies Center

Patricia Alves-Oliveira

Assistant Professor of Robotics, College of Engineering