
Jiayu Zhou

My main research activities address the fundamental challenges of machine learning when applied to real-world applications. My research theme is to develop generalizable, scalable, interpretable, and privacy-preserving approaches that can effectively mine insights from big data and validate and incorporate such insights in application domains, especially health informatics. My long-term research vision is to achieve ...

Suraj Rampure

As teaching faculty, Suraj spends his time teaching students how to think critically with data. He teaches students the theoretical foundations of data science, from empirical risk minimization, linear algebra, and probability, to more practical aspects, from tabular data manipulation and web scraping to model building and cross-validation, with an emphasis on implementation in Python. ...

Catherine Kaczorowski

The Kaczorowski laboratory, led by Dr. Catherine Kaczorowski, pioneers techniques to identify and validate genetic and cellular mechanisms that promote resilience to cognitive aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and other age-related dementias. By combining mouse and human systems; genomic, anatomic, and behavioral approaches; and integrative analyses across multiple scales, data types, environmental factors, and species, we are ...

Melissa DeJonckheere

Melissa DeJonckheere is an adolescent health researcher specializing in qualitative, participatory, and mixed methods research. She is Co-Director of the Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan and regularly teaches qualitative and mixed methods research to trainees of all levels. Her research focuses on psychosocial influences on health and well-being, particularly among adolescents with ...

Carol Menassa

My group’s research focuses on understanding and modeling the interconnections between human experience and the built environment. We design autonomous systems that support wellbeing, safety and productivity of office and construction workers, and provides them opportunities for lifelong learning and upskilling. In all research projects, we work hard to ensure that the results are inclusive ...

Grant Schoenebeck

My current research combines machine learning tools and economic approaches (e.g game theory, mechanism design, and information design) to develop and analyze systems for eliciting and aggregating information from of diverse group of agents with varying information, interests, and abilities. This work applies to scenarios where a collective decision-making process is required, such as peer ...

Zach Landis-Lewis

My research focuses on the use and effectiveness of coaching and appreciation feedback in healthcare. I lead a team that develops a software-based precision feedback system to generate messages about performance to healthcare professionals and teams. My work involves the processing of performance data to detect signals of motivating information that can be delivered with ...

Allen Flynn

I study medication prescription information and work on teams that create and evaluate applications of natural language processing to medication prescription information. The main thrust of my research in pharmacy informatics focuses on automating subtasks that pertain to medication prescribing by clinicians and medication prescription review by pharmacists. In addition, I work with the Knowledge ...

Christian Sandvig

I am a researcher specializing in discovering the consequences of computer systems that curate and organize culture. A major theme of my research investigates accountability mechanisms for machine learning and artificial intelligence. My research group coined the phrase “algorithmic auditing” in a 2014 paper; this was subsequently made suggested reading for submissions to the first ...


Affiliation Type



Yasser Aboelkassem

Assistant Professor, College of Innovation and Technology

Andrew J. Admon, MD, MPH, MSc

Clinical Lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine

Carlos Aguilar

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Raed Al Kontar

Associate Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering

Sardar Ansari

Research Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine

Brian D. Athey

Professor, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, Michigan Medicine Internal Medicine and Psychiatry, Michigan Medicine

Veera Baladandayuthapani

Professor, Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Laura Balzano

Associate Professor, EECS, College of Engineering

Halil Bisgin

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science - Flint