
Healthcare Research

Brittany Baur

Early warning systems (EWS) that predict patient outcomes for therapeutic interventions are increasingly being used to make clinical decisions. Predicted events often include outcomes such as unplanned ICU transfer, cardiac arrest, or death. The goal of these models is to provide a timely alert to clinicians so they can intervene and prevent these outcomes from ...

Haojie Zhu

Haojie Zhu’s research centers on identifying genetic and non-genetic biomarkers associated with the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of various therapeutic agents through an integrated multi-omics approach, including genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. He is also focused on utilizing these biomarkers to develop statistical and machine-learning models aimed at individualizing pharmacotherapy

Patricia Alves-Oliveira

I lead Robot Studio, a Research lab in the Robotics Department of the University of Michigan. Our work is focused on democratizing health and arts with social robots. We develop human-centered robot systems that enhance the quality of life and that promotes creativity. Our lab is interdisciplinary, composed of researchers from computer science, engineering, information ...

Katherine Brumberg

Katherine Brumberg’s research focuses on matching and stratification methods in observational studies. Her main contributions have been in developing new methods for optimizing the balance of covariates between the treated and control groups using approximation algorithms to solve intractable integer programs. She applies this research in healthcare and social science domains and has a particular ...

Jiayu Zhou

My main research activities address the fundamental challenges of machine learning when applied to real-world applications. My research theme is to develop generalizable, scalable, interpretable, and privacy-preserving approaches that can effectively mine insights from big data and validate and incorporate such insights in application domains, especially health informatics. My long-term research vision is to achieve ...

Melissa DeJonckheere

Melissa DeJonckheere is an adolescent health researcher specializing in qualitative, participatory, and mixed methods research. She is Co-Director of the Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan and regularly teaches qualitative and mixed methods research to trainees of all levels. Her research focuses on psychosocial influences on health and well-being, particularly among adolescents with ...

Scott Peltier

My research deals with functional MRI data acquisition and analysis. My areas of interest include brain network connectivity; multimodal imaging; real-time fMRI neurofeedback; and the use of multivariate and data-driven analysis techniques, including machine learning.

Mosharaf Chowdhury

I am a computer scientist and an associate professor at CSE Michigan, where I lead the SymbioticLab ( My research improves application performance and system efficiency of AI/ML and Big Data workloads with a recent focus on optimizing energy consumption and data privacy. I lead the ML Energy initiative (, a consortium of researchers focusing ...

Carol Menassa

My group’s research focuses on understanding and modeling the interconnections between human experience and the built environment. We design autonomous systems that support wellbeing, safety and productivity of office and construction workers, and provides them opportunities for lifelong learning and upskilling. In all research projects, we work hard to ensure that the results are inclusive ...


Affiliation Type



Keith Aaronson, MD

MD, Collegiate Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Professor of Internal Medicine, Michigan Medicine Cardiology Clinic | Cardiovascular Center

Yasser Aboelkassem

Assistant Professor, College of Innovation and Technology

Mohamed Abouelenien

Associate Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science

Andrew J. Admon, MD, MPH, MSc

Clinical Lecturer, Department of Internal Medicine

Michelle Aebersold

Clinical Associate Professor, School of Nursing

Mahesh Agarwal

Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters

Arun Agrawal

Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Carlos Aguilar

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering

Omar Jamil Ahmed

Assistant Professor, Psychology