

Joelle Abramowitz

Dr. Joelle Abramowitz’s research examines the effects of different policies on individuals’ major life decisions and wellbeing including on health insurance and medical out-of-pocket expenditures as well as bigger picture effects on outcomes such as marriage, fertility, and work. She has worked intimately with a variety of datasets containing health insurance, demographic, employer, and administrative ...

Saif Benjaafar

I used the tools of operations research (optimization, stochastic modeling, and game theory), machine learning, and statistics to study problems in operations management broadly defined, including supply chains, service systems, transportation and mobility, and markets. My current research focus is on sustainable operations and innovative business models, including sharing economy, on-demand services, and online marketplaces.

Yan Chen

Yan Chen’s research interests are in behavioral and experimental economics, market and mechanism design. She conducts large-scale randomized field experiments on gig economy platforms to test the efficacy of team formation algorithms on gig worker productivity and retention. She also conducts experiments in online communities to evaluate what increases pro-social behavior. Her experiments are informed ...

Nishil Talati

I am a research faculty at the Computer Science and Engineering department at University of Michigan. I work with a group of talented PhD students on computer architecture, compiler techniques, and software engineering. My group focuses on developing novel software and hardware solutions to optimize large-scale data intensive worklods (e.g., graph traversals). I earned my ...

Samet Oymak

I am interested in principled approaches to machine learning with focus on data-driven decision making, deep learning foundations, and heterogeneous data. My research integrates optimization methods (specifically convex and first-order) and statistical learning theory to design efficient algorithms/architectures that address these data-science problems. Additional Information How did you end up where you are today? I ...


Affiliation Type



Joelle Abramowitz

Associate Research Scientist, Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research

Saif Benjaafar

Seth Bonder Collegiate Professor and Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering

Yan Chen

Daniel Kahneman Collegiate Professor of Information, School of Information

Samet Oymak

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering

Nishil Talati

Assistant Research Scientist, Computer Science and Engineering