Computer Science

Suraj Rampure

As teaching faculty, Suraj spends his time teaching students how to think critically with data. He teaches students the theoretical foundations of data science, from empirical risk minimization, linear algebra, and probability, to more practical aspects, from tabular data manipulation and web scraping to model building and cross-validation, with an emphasis on implementation in Python. ...

Lin Ma

My research interests lie in the intersection of database management systems (DBMSs) and machine learning (ML), especially using ML/AI techniques to automate database administration/tuning to remove human impediments.

Srijita Das

My research is about building sample-efficient machine learning models. My long term goal is to develop collaborative systems that can actively seek advice from humans and make faster decisions, resulting in reliable and practical systems. I specifically focus on design of sequential decision-making models to make them learn faster. We leverage advice from humans in ...

Mosharaf Chowdhury

I am a computer scientist and an associate professor at CSE Michigan, where I lead the SymbioticLab ( My research improves application performance and system efficiency of AI/ML and Big Data workloads with a recent focus on optimizing energy consumption and data privacy. I lead the ML Energy initiative (, a consortium of researchers focusing ...

Mohamed Abouelenien

Mohamed Abouelenien’s areas of interest broadly cover data science topics, including applied machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing. He established the Affective Computing and Multimodal Systems Lab (ACMS) which focuses on modeling human behavior and developing multimodal approaches for different applications. He has worked on a number of projects in these areas, including ...

Grant Schoenebeck

My current research combines machine learning tools and economic approaches (e.g game theory, mechanism design, and information design) to develop and analyze systems for eliciting and aggregating information from of diverse group of agents with varying information, interests, and abilities. This work applies to scenarios where a collective decision-making process is required, such as peer ...

Cyrus Omar

I lead the Future of Programming Lab (FP Lab), where we design modern user interfaces for modern programming languages. Much of how we program today is rooted in tools designed 40+ years ago, e.g. how we enter code (using simple text editing, which leads to profligate parse errors), how we validate code (using tests or ...

Andrew Wu

My research focuses on the interface of technology, finance and operations management. I develop and apply new approaches in natural language processing (NLP) and text analytics to study emerging and classic OM problems including (1) new marketplaces in both Fintech and Edtech, (2) supply chain risks, and (3) societal impact of OM/financial decisions.

Cheng Li

My research focuses on developing advanced numerical models and computational tools to enhance our understanding and prediction capabilities for both terrestrial and extraterrestrial climate systems. By leveraging the power of data science, I aim to unravel the complexities of atmospheric dynamics and climate processes on Earth, as well as on other planets such as Mars, ...


Affiliation Type



Mohamed Abouelenien

Associate Professor, College of Engineering and Computer Science

Mahesh Agarwal

Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters

Amal Alhosban

Associate Professor, Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences

Mark Allison

Associate Professor, Computer Science, Engineering and Physics

Albert S. Berahas

Assistant Professor, Industrial & Operations Engineering

Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly

Assistant Professor (effective fall 2023), Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Christopher Brooks

Research Assistant Professor, School of Information Director, Learning Analytics and Research in the Office of Digital Education & Innovation

Joyce Chai

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering

Mithun Chakraborty

Assistant Research Scientist, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science