Complex Systems

Grant Schoenebeck

My current research combines machine learning tools and economic approaches (e.g game theory, mechanism design, and information design) to develop and analyze systems for eliciting and aggregating information from of diverse group of agents with varying information, interests, and abilities. This work applies to scenarios where a collective decision-making process is required, such as peer ...

Derek Van Berkel

Dr. Van Berkel is an assistant professor at The University of Michigan, School for Environment and Sustainability. His research focuses on understanding land change at diverse scales; the physical and psychological benefit of exposure to natural environments; and how digital visualization of data can add new place-based knowledge in science and community decision-making. He has ...

Cheng Li

My research focuses on developing advanced numerical models and computational tools to enhance our understanding and prediction capabilities for both terrestrial and extraterrestrial climate systems. By leveraging the power of data science, I aim to unravel the complexities of atmospheric dynamics and climate processes on Earth, as well as on other planets such as Mars, ...

Alauddin Ahmed

My core research expertise involves developing and employing a wide array of computational methods to discover, design, and characterize materials and systems that address critical challenges in energy and the environment. These methods span from stochastic techniques to molecular dynamics, density functional theory, quantum chemistry, and data science. Beyond contributing fundamental design principles for high-performing ...

Alexander Rodríguez

Alex’s research interests include machine learning, time series, multi-agent systems, uncertainty quantification, and scientific modeling. His recent focus is on developing trustworthy AI systems that can offer insightful guidance for critical decisions, especially in applications involving complex spatiotemporal dynamics. His work is primarily motivated by real-world problems in public health, environmental health and community resilience.

Tian An Wong

Analysis of policing technology and police data, including impact assessment of surveillance technology, media sentiment analysis, and fatal police violence. Methods include topological data analysis, natural language processing, multivariate time series analysis, difference-in-differences, and complex networks.

Venkat Viswanathan

Research on computational modeling of energy materials design and optimization 1) I led this large research project on developing machine-learning guided materials discovery demonstrating speed-up of over 80% over traditional methods. 2) My research group runs a popular Scientific Machine Learning webinar series:

Rebecca Lindsey

Research in the Lindsey Lab focuses on using simulation to enable on-demand design, discovery, and synthesis of bespoke materials. These efforts are made possible by Dr. Lindsey’s ChIMES framework, which comprises a unique physics-informed machine-learned (ML) interatomic potential (IAP) and artificial intelligence-automated development tool that enables “quantum accurate” simulation of complex systems on scales overlapping ...

Qiong Yang

My research program at the University of Michigan (UM) integrates the fields of biophysics, quantitative systems biology, and bottom-up synthetic biology to understand complex stochastic cellular and developmental processes in early embryos. We have developed innovative computational and experimental techniques in microfluidics and imaging to allow high-throughput quantitative manipulation and single-cell lineage tracking of cellular ...


Affiliation Type



Saif Benjaafar

Seth Bonder Collegiate Professor and Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering

Anthony Bloch

Alexander Ziwet Collegiate Professor, Mathematics, LSA

Eunshin Byon

Associate Professor, Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of EngineeringCivil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering

Neil Carter

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Yi-Su Chen

Assistant Professor, Operations Management, Ross School of Business

Michael Craig

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

William Currie

Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Engagement, School for Environment and Sustainability

Ivo D. Dinov

Professor, Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics Human Behavior and Biological Sciences Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)