Can AI Be Conscious, and Why Does It Matter?

February 27, 2025 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Forum Hall, Palmer Commons
100 Washtenaw Ave,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Generative artificial intelligence systems such as ChatGPT can have conversations that seem eerily human. But, could they ever be conscious? Just as importantly, why does it matter? Even as AI experts, neuroscientists, and philosophers debate these questions, AI innovation keeps marching on. In this talk, Toyama discusses some of these issues as they pertain to moral personhood, the question of if and when machines should be treated with moral considerations similar to those given to people: Should there be concern about harming AI systems? When should an AI system be held responsible for its actions? What does it mean to hold a machine responsible? As with so much about consciousness and morality, consensus is elusive, but the Toyama also presents his own opinions and arguments for how he believes these questions should be decided.


Kentaro Toyama is W. K. Kellogg Professor of Community Information at the University of Michigan School of Information and a fellow of the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT. He conducts interdisciplinary research to understand how digital technology can and cannot support community development and social change. From 2005-2009, Toyama was co-founder and assistant managing director of Microsoft Research India. Prior to 2005, he did work in artificial intelligence, computer vision, and human-computer interaction at Microsoft Research and taught mathematics at Ashesi University in Ghana. He is the author of Geek Heresy: Rescuing Social Change from the Cult of Technology.  

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Kentaro Toyama

W.K. Kellogg Professor of Community Information at the University of Michigan School of Information and Fellow of the Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT