
The Staff Collective for Data Science (SCDS) is a community of University of Michigan staff who are active or interested in data science and AI. We aim to advance research innovation on campus, augment the group’s expertise, and support the research and career endeavors of our members. All SCDS members together drive the goals, activities and impact of the group.

The Staff Collective for Data Science (SCDS):

  • Establishes a peer network of research staff regardless of academic discipline or substantive area to learn from and support each other
  • Provides training and professional development opportunities to its members in support of career advancement
  • Pools staff expertise to extend resource access and augment research innovation and capacity at the University of Michigan
Join the Collective


Oct 9, 2023 – Staff Collective for Data Science Meet and Greet Fall 2023


2210 AB, Michigan Union (530 S. State St. Ann Arbor MI 48109)

Come and join us to kick off the new school year with the U-M Staff Collective for Data Science (SCDS)! SCDS is a community of U-M staff who use data science and AI in their jobs or are developing data science and AI skills. We aim to augment the group’s expertise and increase their impact on campus, and support the research and career endeavors of our members.

Refreshments will be provided.


1:00 pm “Hiring, Managing, and Retaining Data Scientists and Research Software Engineers in Academia.”

Presenter: Dr. Jing Liu, Executive Director, Michigan Institute for Data and AI in Society

The Academic Data Science Alliance and the US Software Engineers Association recently published this guidebook for university leadership, hiring managers, supervisor and staff scientists. As one of the lead authors, Dr. Jing Liu will present the key takeaways from the book, especially recommendations for staff scientists. The group will then discuss how SCDS can support its members in skill development and career advancement.

1:45 pm Ideas pitch 

Any attendee can give a pitch, up to 2 minutes with 0 – 2 slides. This can be about an activity that you suggest for the group, a project that you want to seek collaborators for, an idea that you need feedback on, a research tool that you want others to know, or other interesting topics. 

2:15 pm Organizational business: Who would like to be the SCDS coordinators? What activities would you like to join or lead?

2:30 pm Social time

Aug 27, 2021 – Staff Collective for Data Science Informational Meeting


  • We define “data science” broadly. If you are involved in research at the University of Michigan and are interested in data science methods and technology, this group is for you.
  • We are an inclusive community. Everyone is welcome regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs, level of education, job title, etc. 
  • All members are invited to organize events that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • We strive to make our events as accessible as possible by offering multiple formats that accommodate different schedules. 
  • If you have a disability, please let us know how we can ensure your full participation in the Collective.


Have a question or would like to suggest an activity?  Email: scds-coordinators@umich.edu