

General Interest / Happenings / MDSTPosts / Research

MDST group wins KDD best paper award

A paper by members and faculty leaders of the Michigan Data Science Team (co-authors: Jacob Abernethy, Alex Chojnacki, Arya Farahi, Eric Schwartz, and Jared Webb) won the Best Student Paper award in the Applied Data Science track at the KDD 2018 conference in August in London. The paper, ActiveRemediation: The Search for Lead Pipes in ...

Educational / Events / General Interest / Happenings

MDST kicks off data challenge with NFL’s Baltimore Ravens

Educational / General Interest / MDSTPosts / News

MDST partners with Adamy Valuation for market analysis

Authors: Michael Kovalcik, College of Engineering; Xinyu Tan, College of Engineering; Derek Chen, Ross School of Business. Problem Overview The Michigan Data Science Team partnered with Adamy Valuation, a Grand Rapids-based valuation firm, to bring data-driven insights to business equity valuation.  Business valuation firms determine the market value of business interests in support of a variety ...

General Interest / News

U-M professors and students develop app to help Flint residents identify lead risks

A mobile app and website built for the city of Flint is available now to help the community and government agencies manage the ongoing water crisis. Mywater-Flint, for Android and online at, was developed by computer science researchers at the University of Michigan’s Flint and Ann Arbor campuses and funded by Through it, ...