Research Overview
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee (Biostatistics) and her team are developing mathematical models to predict the true infection rate and detect spikes, taking into account the limited and imperfect testing. Their model will also provide guidance to policymakers on how to allocate testing resources.
The MIDAS COVID-19 Propelling Original Data Science (PODS) grants were awarded on May 13th, 2020, each of the 7 teams received funding of up to $30,000 with projects starting immediately and expected to finish by the end of 2020. These projects demonstrate the resolve, expertise, and creativity of U-M data scientists facing a public health crisis. To learn more about the other projects please visit our COVID-19 PODS awards page.
Research Impact
Research Team
Bhramar Mukherjee, PhD, Biostatistics
Lauren Beesley, PhD Biostatistics
Jiacong Du, MS Biostatistics
Research Highlights
COVID-19 Pre-Prints
Basu D, Salvatore M, Ray D, Kleinsasser M, Purkayastha S, Bhattacharyya R, Mukherjee B. A Comprehensive Public Health Evaluation of Lockdown as a Non-pharmaceutical Intervention on COVID-19 Spread in India: National Trends Masking State Level Variations. medRxiv 2020.05.25.20113043; doi:
Bhattacharyya R, Bhaduri R, Kundu R, Salvatore M Mukherjee B. Reconciling epidemiological models with misclassified case-counts for SARS-CoV-2 with seroprevalence surveys: A case study in Delhi, India. medRxiv 2020.07.31.20166249; doi:
Gu T, Mack JA, Salvatore M, Sankar SP, Valley TS, Singh K, Nallamothu BK, Kheterpal D, Lisabeth L, Fritsche LG, Mukherjee B. COVID-19 outcomes, risk factors and associations by race: a comprehensive analysis using electronic health records data in Michigan Medicine. medRxiv, 2020.06.16.20133140; doi:
Salerno S, Zhao Z, Sankar SP, Salvatore M, Gu T, Fritstche LG, Lee S, Lisabeth LD, Valley TS, Mukherjee B. Understanding the patterns of repeated testing for COVID-19: Association with patient characteristics and outcomes. medRxiv, 2020.07.26.20162453; doi:
Salvatore M, Gu T, Mack JA, Sankar SP, Patil S, Valley TS, Singh K, Nallamothu BK, Kheterpal S, Lisabeth L, Fritsche LG, Mukherjee B. A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) of COVID-19 outcomes by race using the electronic health records data in Michigan Medicine. medRxiv, 2020.06.29.20141564; doi:
COVID-19 Published Papers
Purakayastha S, Salvatore M, Mukherjee B. Are women leaders significantly better at controlling the contagion during the Covid-19 pandemic? Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 5(2): 231-240 , 2020, PMC in progress.
Ray D, Salvatore M, Bhattacharyya R, Wang L, Du J, Mohammed S, Purkayastha S, Halder A, Rix A, Barker D, Kleinsasser M, Zhou Y, Bose D, Song P, Banerjee M, Baladandayuthapani V, Ghosh P, Mukherjee B. Predictions, Role of Interventions and Effects of a Historic National Lockdown in India’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Data Science Call to Arms, Harvard Data Science Review, 020(Suppl1):10.1162/99608f92.60e08ed5. 2020, PMCID: PMC7326342
COVID-19 Presentations
National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) Webinar, April 2020
University of Michigan, India Advisory Board, COVID-19, India Predictions and Modeling, April 2020.
University of Michigan, Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) Webinar: Predictions, Role of Interventions and the Crisis of Virus in India: Data Science Call to Arms, May 2020
American Association of Physicians of Indian Origins (AAPI) Webinar Epidemiological Nuances of Controlling COVID Pandemic, May 2020
COVID-19: From Lockdowns to the Long Haul! Webinar, Chennai International Centre, May 2020
Predictions, role of interventions and implications of a national lockdown on the COVID-19 outbreak in India, Webinar, University of Connecticut, May 2020
University of Michigan Biosciences Symposium: Predictions, Role of Interventions and the Crisis of Virus in India, June 2020
Predictions, Role of Interventions and Evaluating Lockdowns in the Crisis of Virus in India: A Data Science Call to Arms, Indian Scientists’ Response to COVID-19 (ISRC) Symposia, June 2020.
China Data Institute, Future Data Lab and CHPMS, Modeling COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources, Methodology and Applications Webinar, July 2020
International Webinar On, Predictions, Role of Interventions in the crisis of Virus in India, Sacred Heart College, India, August 2020
Media Engagement
Since the initial outbreak of COVID-19, Dr. Mukherjee and her team’s research have received and continue to receive extensive media coverage. From March to August, their work has been referenced in over 532 clips leading to a reach of 2.6 billion, including but not limited to, leading outlets such as BBC News, the New York Times, the Times of India and the Washington Post. A selection of links can be found below. A more comprehensive list can be found in the media section of the Center for Precision Health Data Science Website.
More Media Engagement
BBC News. (April 2020). Some states ‘to begin a safe, gradual and phased opening. Retrieved from
Biswas S. (May 2020). India coronavirus: Trouble ahead for India’s fight against infections. Retrieved from
Das P. (April 2020). Epidemiologic models show we need aggressive measures in the early phase… lockdown buys us time’. Retrieved from
Eisen MB, Tibshirani RT (July 2020). How to Identify Flawed Research Before it Becomes Dangerous. Retrieved from
Emont J. (July 2020). Sprawling Countries Find Coronavirus Hard to Contain. Retrieved from
Marques CF. (June 2020). A Case Study for Second Wave Lockdowns. Retrieved from
Raaj, N. (July 2020). It is the coronavirus that is killing the economy not just the lockdown, says Prof Bhramar Mukherjee. Retrieved from
Slater J, Masih N (May 2020). The largest lockdown in the world is ending. India is bracing for what comes next. Retrivieved from