Stephen M. Pollock
Professor Emeritus
Industrial and Operations Engineering, College of Engineering
Herrick Professor Emeritus of Manufacturing and Professor Emeritus of Industrial Operations, College of Engineering
Professor Pollock has taught courses in decision analysis, mathematical modeling, dynamic programming, and stochastic processes. He has applied operations research and decision analysis methods to problems in defense, criminal justice, manufacturing, epidemiology and medicine. He has authored over 60 technical papers, co-edited two books, and has served as a consultant to over 30 organizations, and on the editorial boards of three major journals.
He was chair of the IOE Department, chaired the University’s Research Policies Committee and Tenure Committee, served as Director of the Engineering College’s Financial Engineering Program and Engineering Global Leadership Program, was a member the College of Engineering’s Executive Committee, and a recipient of the College’s Attwood Award.
He has served on and chaired various NSF and NRC advisory boards and panels, and on the Army Science Board. He was President of the Operations Research Society of America, was awarded the 2001 INFORMS Kimball Medal, is a fellow of INFORMS and AAAS and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering