Bruce Maxim


Relevant Projects:

Maxim, B. R. and Callahan, M. “Gamification of Personal Empowerment Process”, Ford Motor Company Fund, 9/19-12/20, ($5,000 PI). Lemos, M., Lindquist, M.; Campbell-Arvai; V. and Maxim, B. “Evaluating Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs in the Design, Planning & Management of Urban Forests: Synthesizing SDM, Scenario Planning and Landscape Visualization”, McIntire-Stennis Cooperative Forestry Research Program, 8/17-8/22, ($350,859 with $56,000 matching, Collaborator).

Bruce Maxim

Professor of Computer Information Science and Natu Natarajan Collegieate Professor of Engineering

University of Michigan-Dearborn, College of Engineering and Computer Scicence

Narasimhamurthi "Nattu: Natarajan Collegiate Professor of Engineering and Professor of Computer and Information Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Michigan-Dearborn

I use genetics algorithms and data mining to assist with the task of refactoring large software products to improve the quality their quality.

Software Engineering and Game Design