(734) 647-2453

Complex Systems, Earth Science and Ecology, Environmental and Climate Research, Physical Science, Social Science
Causal Inference, Mathematical and Statistical Modeling


Ecological Society of America (ESA)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
US Association of Landscape Ecologists
International Association of Landscape Ecologists

William Currie


School for Environment and Sustainability

Associate Dean, Research and Engagment, Professor of Environment and Sustainability, School for Environment and Sustainability and Professor of Environment, Program in the Environment, School for Environment and Sustainability and College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Bill Currie studies how physical, chemical, and ecological processes work together in the functioning of ecosystems such as forests and wetlands.  He studies how human impacts and management alter key ecosystem responses including nutrient retention, carbon storage, plant species interactions, and plant productivity.   Dr. Currie uses computer models of ecosystems, including models in which he leads the development team, to explore ecosystem function across the spectrum from wildland to heavily human-impacted systems.  He often works in collaborative groups where a model is used to provide synthesis.  

He is committed to the idea that researchers must work together across traditional fields to address the complex environmental and sustainability issues of the 21st century.  He collaborates with field ecologists, geographers, remote sensing scientists, hydrologists, and land management professionals.

Accomplishments and Awards