The future of transportation lies at the intersection of two emerging trends, namely, the sharing economy and connected and automated vehicle technology. Our research group investigates the impact of these two major trends on the future of mobility, quantifying the benefits and identifying the challenges of integrating these technologies into our current systems.
Our research on shared-use mobility systems focuses on peer-to-peer (P2P) ridesharing and multi-modal transportation. We provide: (i) operational tools and decision support systems for shared-use mobility in legacy as well as connected and automated transportation systems. This line of research focuses on system design as well as routing, scheduling, and pricing mechanisms to serve on-demand transportation requests; (ii) insights for regulators and policy makers on mobility benefits of multi-modal transportation; (ii) planning tools that would allow for informed regulations of sharing economy.
In another line of research we investigate challenges faced by the connected automated vehicle technology before mass adoption of this technology can occur. Our research mainly focuses on (i) transition of control authority between the human driver and the autonomous entity in semi-autonomous (level 3 SAE autonomy) vehicles; (ii) incorporating network-level information supplied by connected vehicle technology into traditional trajectory planning; (iii) improving vehicle localization by taking advantage of opportunities provided by connected vehicles; and (iv) cybersecurity challenges in connected and automated systems. We seek to quantify the mobility and safety implications of this disruptive technology, and provide insights that can allow for informed regulations.