Margaret Hedstrom

Professor, School of Information Institute for Social Research

Margaret Hedstrom, PhD, is the Robert M Warner Collegiate Professor of Information in the School of Information and Faculty Associate in the Institute for Social Research.

Prof. Hedstrom’s research centers on the methods, costs, incentives, and implementation of scalable digital curation and archiving services as a core element of the underlying infrastructure for research data management, reproducible research, and data analysis.  She studies the social and technical dimensions digital curation including data sharing behaviors among scientists in different research domains, techniques for automated metadata extraction and user-contributed metadata, requirements for meaningful reuse of numeric, image, and textual data, and long-term preservation of digital information.  Her current research projects span projects involving researchers in environmental science and sustainability, social science, bioinformatics, and materials science.


(734) 647-3582


Ann Arbor


Databases and Data management / Statistics
