
School of Social Work

Todd I Herrenkohl

Before joining the faculty at the University of Michigan in 2018 as Professor and Marion Elizabeth Blue Chair of Children and Families, I was Co-Director of the 3DL Partnership at the University of Washington, where I collaborated with academic colleagues, students, and service providers throughout the state to conduct and translate research on social emotional ...

Brian Perron

Brian E. Perron, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Social Work. Dr. Perron received his Ph.D. from Washington University in St. Louis and a specialization in Data Science from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Perron has extensive experience in services research for persons with mental health and substance use disorders. ...

Joseph Himle

Joseph A. Himle, PhD, is the Associate Dean for Research and the Howard V. Brabson Collegiate Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work, and Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The goal of Prof. Himle’s research is to design, develop and test a inconspicuous, awareness-enhancement and monitoring device (AEMD) ...

Andrew Grogan-Kaylor

My core intellectual interest is the way in which parenting behaviors, like the use of physical punishment, or parental expressions of emotional warmth, have an effect on child outcomes like aggression, antisocial behavior, anxiety and depression, and how these dynamics play out across contexts, neighborhoods, and cultures.  A lot of my work is done with ...

Joseph Ryan

Joseph Ryan, PhD, is Associate Professor of Social Work, School of Social Work and Faculty Associate in the Center for Political Studies, ISR, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prof. Ryan’s research and teaching build upon his direct practice experiences with child welfare and juvenile justice populations. Dr. Ryan is the Co-Director of the ...


Affiliation Type



Andrew Grogan-Kaylor

Associate Professor, School of Social Work Co-PI Child Violence and Trauma Laboratory

Todd I Herrenkohl

Professor, School of Social Work

Joseph Himle

Professor, School of Social Work Psychiatry, School of Medicine

Brian Perron

Professor, School of Social Work

Joseph Ryan

Associate Professor, School of Social Work Center for Political Studies Population Studies Center