School for Environment and Sustainability

Brian Weeks

In the Weeks lab, we work at the intersection of ecology and evolutionary biology to try to understand how large scale biodiversity patterns arose, and what they might tell us about how natural systems will respond to human activities. We have a particular focus on the impacts of climate change on birds, and are increasingly ...

Joshua P Newell

I work in the area of urban sustainability, with research questions at multiple scales and environmental and socio-economic systems. My work uses spatial analysis (esp. GIS and remote sensing) and mass-balance accounting (life cycle assessment, material flow analysis). My lab is starting to use big data from a range of sources (Zillow, Twitter, etc) and ...

Neil Carter

Carter’s research combines quantitative, theoretical, and field approaches to address challenging local to global wildlife conservation issues in the Anthropocene. His work includes projects on endangered species conservation in human-dominated areas of Nepal, post-war recovery of wildlife in Mozambique, human-wildlife coexistence in the American West, and the effects of artificial lights and human-made noise on ...

Karen Alofs

My research focuses on how environmental change, including climate, invasion and habitat destruction influences freshwater ecological communities across space and time. I am involved in a collaborative interdisciplinary project funded by a MIDAS Propelling Original Data Science (PODS) Grant: CHANGES: Collections, Heterogeneous data, And Next Generation Ecological Studies.We are developing protocols for integrating heterogeneous natural ...

Kathleen M Bergen

Kathleen M Bergen, PhD, is Associate Research Scientist in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Bergen currently has interim administrative oversight of the SEAS Environmental Spatial Analysis Laboratory (ESALab) and is interim Director of the campus-wide Graduate Certificate Program in Spatial Analysis. Prof. Bergen works in the areas ...

Arun Agrawal

My research seeks to leverage survey, census, remote-sensed, and citizen-science datasets to address social and collective dilemmas related to climate mitigation and adaptation, vulnerability to climate risks, the relationship between climate change and health, the unfolding trajectories of demographic change in conjunction with climate change and sociopolitical stability, commoning and commoning-based interventions in the context ...

William Currie

Bill Currie studies how physical, chemical, and ecological processes work together in the functioning of ecosystems such as forests and wetlands.  He studies how human impacts and management alter key ecosystem responses including nutrient retention, carbon storage, plant species interactions, and plant productivity.   Dr. Currie uses computer models of ecosystems, including models in which he ...

Ming Xu

My research focuses on developing and applying computational and data-enabled methodology in the broader area of sustainability. Main thrusts are as follows: Human mobility dynamics. I am interested in mining large-scale real-world travel trajectory data to understand human mobility dynamics. This involves the processing and analyzing travel trajectory data, characterizing individual mobility patterns, and evaluating ...


Affiliation Type



Arun Agrawal

Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Karen Alofs

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability Program in the Environment

Kathleen M Bergen

Associate Research Scientist, School for Environment and Sustainability

Neil Carter

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

William Currie

Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Engagement, School for Environment and Sustainability

Joshua P Newell

Associate Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Brian Weeks

Assistant Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability

Ming Xu

Professor, School for Environment and Sustainability Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering