
Yan Chen

Yan Chen’s research interests are in behavioral and experimental economics, market and mechanism design. She conducts large-scale randomized field experiments on gig economy platforms to test the efficacy of team formation algorithms on gig worker productivity and retention. She also conducts experiments in online communities to evaluate what increases pro-social behavior. Her experiments are informed ...

Qiaozhu Mei

I have a broad interest in real world problems related to text information management. My research focuses on information retrieval and text mining, with applications in web, social media, scientific literature, bioinformatics, and health informatics. I also have a strong interest in machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, and social network analysis. To know ...


Affiliation Type



Yan Chen

Daniel Kahneman Collegiate Professor of Information, School of Information

Qiaozhu Mei

Associate Professor, School of InformationEECS, College of Engineering