
Dominika Zgid

Our work is interdisciplinary in nature and we connect three fields, chemistry, physics and materials science. Our goal is to develop theoretical tools that give access to directly experimentally relevant quantities. We develop and apply codes that describe two types of electronic motion (i) weakly correlated electrons originating from the delocalized “wave-like” s- and p-orbitals ...

Tim Cernak

Tim Cernak, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry with secondary appointments in Chemistry and the Chemical Biology Program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The functional and biological properties of a small molecule are encoded within its structure so synthetic strategies that access diverse structures are paramount to the invention of novel functional ...

Paul Zimmerman

Paul Zimmerman, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The Zimmerman research group is a pioneer in computational chemical reaction discovery, and has developed algorithms which map out complex multi-component, multi-elementary step reaction mechanisms without reliance on prior chemical knowledge. These methods, ...

Nils G. Walter

Nils G. Walter, PhD, is the Francis S. Collins Collegiate Professor of Chemistry, Biophysics and Biological Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and Professor of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Nature and Nanotechnology likewise employ nanoscale machines that self-assemble into structures of complex architecture and functionality.  Fluorescence ...


Affiliation Type



Tim Cernak

Assistant Professor, Medicinal Chemistry, College of Pharmacy Chemistry, LSA Graduate Program in Chemical Biology

Nils G. Walter

Francis S. Collins Collegiate Professor, Chemistry, LSA

Dominika Zgid

Associate Professor, Chemistry Department

Paul Zimmerman

Assistant Professor, Chemistry, LSA