Alex Gorodetsky
Alex Gorodetsky’s research is at the intersection of applied mathematics, data science, and computational science, and is focused on enabling autonomous decision making under uncertainty. He is especially interested in controlling, designing, and analyzing autonomous systems that must act in complex environments where observational data and expensive computational simulations must work together to ensure objectives ...
Veera Sundararaghavan
Veera Sundararaghavan is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor and the director of Multiscale Structural Simulations Laboratory. His research is on multi-length scale computational techniques for modelling and design of aerospace materials with a focus on microstructural mechanics (crystal plasticity, homogenization) and molecular simulation. He is particularly interested ...
Karthik Duraisamy
Karthik Duraisamy, PhD, is Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prof. Duraisamy’s group focuses on data-driven modeling of computational physics problems. Specifically, we use statistical inversion and physics-informed machine learning techniques to augment existing computational models. Another focus area is formal reduced order modeling using ...
Venkat Raman
Prof. Raman’s work focuses on the simulation of large scale combustion systems – aircraft engines, stationary power turbines, hypersonic engines – with the goal of advancing computations-aided systems design. This involves large scale computations accounting for detailed behavior of the chaotic turbulent flow in these systems, combined with enabling science in computational chemistry and algorithms. ...
Affiliation Type
Karthik Duraisamy
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering
Alex Gorodetsky
Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering
Venkat Raman
Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering
Veera Sundararaghavan
Professor, Aerospace Engineering