09/16/2019: Elyas Sabeti and Patrick Park, Michigan Data Science Fellows 

10/21/2019: David Dunson, Arts and Sciences Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University (View Recording)

11/04/2019:  Sean Taylor, Research Science Manager, Lyft

11/05/2019: Jerry Reiter, Chair and Professor of Statistical Science, Duke University (Joint seminar with Survey Research Center) (View Recording)

11/14/2019 (Annual Symposium): Rayid Ghani, Professor of Machine Learning, Information Systems and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University (View Recording)

11/14/2019 (Annual Symposium): Tina Eliassi-Rad, Associate Professor of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University: Just Machine Learning (View Recording)

11/15/2019 (Annual Symposium): Tanya Berger-Wolf, Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago (View Recording)

11/18/2019: Jure Leskovec, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University

12/2/2019: Arthur Spirling, Professor of Politics and Data Science, New York University (View Recording)

1/13/2020: Benjamin Lauderdale, Professor of Political Science, University College London (View Recording)

1/20/2020: Julia Stoyanovich, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, New York University (View Recording)

2/24/2020: Jen Stirrup, Founder and CEO, Data Relish; Microsoft Regional Director (View Recording)

3/9/2020: Nicholas Diakopoulos, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and Computer Science, Northwestern University (View Recording)

3/16/2020 (rescheduled): Thorsten Joachims, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Department of Information Science , Cornell University

3/30/2020 (rescheduled): Lynette Shaw, Assistant Professor of Complex Systems, University of Michigan

4/6/2020 (rescheduled): Lise Getoor, Professor of Computer Science and Director of D3 Data Science Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz